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阿根延 155爱尔兰 255澳大利亚 240巴西 175中国 6508美国 933法国 3383意大利 734挪威 65英国 1428荷兰 818瑞士 79西班牙 620奥地利 1373俄罗斯 530日本 1066德国画家 417瑞典 96白俄罗斯 373捷克斯洛伐 140朝鲜 0比利时 623更多国家 140

克劳德·莫奈 166Claude Monet

方丹·拉图尔 78Fantin-Latour

保罗·高更 85paul gauguin

保罗·塞尚 147paul cezanne

埃德加·德加 128Edgar Degas

赵无极 97

奥迪隆·雷东 99Odilon Redon

朱德群 142

让·巴蒂斯特·格勒兹 129Jean·Baptiste·Greuze

保罗·西涅克 69Paul Signac

乔治·修拉 56Georges Seurat

卡米耶·柯罗 171Camille Corot

德拉克洛瓦 61Eugène Delacroix

雅克·路易·大卫 78Jacques Louis David

夏尔丹 62Chardin

让·弗朗索瓦·米勒 59

爱德华.维亚尔 87爱德华.维亚尔 Edouard Vuillard

让·莱昂·杰罗姆 67Jean-Leon Gerome

安格尔 77Dominique ingres

亨利马丁 77Henri Martin

皮埃尔·博纳尔 49Pierre Bonnard

卡米耶·毕沙罗 119Camille Pissarro

弗朗索瓦·布歇 144Francois Boucher

爱德华·马奈 72爱德华·马奈 Édouard Manet

亨利·马蒂斯 55Henri Matisse

居斯塔夫·库尔贝 66Gustave Courbet

阿尔弗莱德·西斯莱 77Alfred Sisley

詹姆斯·蒂索 60James Tissot

克劳德·洛兰 5Claude Lorrain

安托万·布兰查德 52Antoine Blanchard

罗特列克 2Henri Toulouse Lautrec

弗拉戈纳尔 46ean Honore Fragonard

约瑟夫·雷杜德 150Pierre-Joseph Redouté

尼古拉斯·普桑 29Nicolas Poussin

尤金加林拉洛 57Galien Laloue

亨瑞·塞蒂纳 76Henri Le Sidaner

皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿 191Pierre Auguste Renoir

威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 102William-Adolphe Bouguereau

贝尔特·莫里索 66Berthe Morisot

法画其他画家 30

Sidaner was born to a French family in Port Louis, Mauritius. In 1870 he and his family settled in Dunkirk. Le Sidaner received most of his tutelage from the École des Beaux-Arts under the instruction of Alexandre Cabanel but later broke away due to artistic differences. Between 1885 and 1894 Le Sidaner lived the year round at the Etaples art colony and was joined there by his childhood friend Eugène Chigot (1860–1923), who shared his interest in atmospheric light. Later Le Sidaner traveled extensively throughout France. He also visited many cities around the globe, as well as villages throughout Europe. He exhibited at the Salon, the Galeries Georges Petit in Paris and the Goupil Gallery in London, and settled in Gerberoy. Marcel Proust's mention of Le Sidaner's work in his novel In Search of Lost Time confirms its later reputation. In Sodom and Gomorrah, the narrator mentions that an eminent barrister from Paris had devoted his income to collecting the paintings of the "highly distinguished" but "not great" Le Sidaner
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